“draft your favorites”

Narrative Ad Campaign

Client: Mattel Creations

Role: Lead Creative, Director/Producer

Full length ctv ad

10.44x Roas

2.18% CTR

$3.25 CPA


The Goal, announce Mattel’s new Little People NFL figure set collection with a CTV Ad campaign that reaches the client’s sales goals.

The Challenge, match high revenue metrics created by Mattel’s Barbie movie merchandise while telling a funny story that relates to NFL fans, while overcoming our team’s unfortunate lack of enthusiasm for football culture.

The Solution, conduct first hand audience and platform research to craft a narrative based on inspiration from real NFL fans while using Google’s ABCD video ad principles.

The Results, a placement in Monday and Sunday Night Football CTV streams, an NFL cross-promotion and KPIs surpassing the Barbie movie benchmarks.